About Ricardo

Plan B is for people who don't have the confidence in Plan A. It’s a constant reminder that you don't want it as bad as you want to breathe. –W.S.

Photo of Ricardo N Feliciano


Developer Advocate at CircleCI, U.S. Navy Veteran (Cyber Warfare), and recovering citizen of Colbert Nation.

I'm a mix of developer, sys admin, product manager, and dreamer. With that being said, I'm still secretly waiting for the call to be picked up by the New York Mets as a starting shortstop (I did mention dreamer right?). Driven by my ever expanding skillset, competitiveness, and passion for open-source, design, and quality - Plan A for me, simply put, is to change the world.

Download Resume LinkedIn Profile

Developer Evangelism

Community Leadership Summit 2015 - I'm wearing the red shirt!

Community Leadership Summit 2015 - I'm wearing the red shirt!

I started in my younger years doing programming projects and playing computer doctor. Joining the U.S. Navy as an Information Systems Technician, I've done my fair share of cable laying, Windows and Linux administration, as well as security audits and penetration testing.

In 2013, I joined the legendary Customer Support department at Linode as a Customer Support Specialist. I quickly moved up through the ranks into a leadership position before ultimately taking the role of Developer Evangelist in January 2015.

Explaining what I do is never easy, and that's exactly why I love it. The best description that I've read is by Brandon Wirtz, “A great developer evangelist is part Product Manager, Part Technical Support, and Part Tinkerer”. He goes on to say:

Being a Developer Advocate means having a deep understanding of the product you are evangelizing, so that you can help others solve their problems, create great tech demos, and talk to the core team for the product you evangelize about what the community needs. –Brandon Wirtz

HackTCNJ 2015

HackTCNJ 2015

I've attended various hackathons around the country. While I frequently attend as a sponsor, I  stay the entire time to mentor hacking teams as well as individuals. These 24 to 36 hour hackathons not only introduce developers to an API or a product, more importantly they create a bond between you and the hacker that contributes to an overall community. A community that the company, the hacker, and myself can benefit from.

I get the privilege to speak to computer science & programming classes at schools such as Stockton University and tech events such as Technically's Philly Tech Week. Briefing students on the skills they need to work at a leading tech company such as Linode or proving insight into new technologies and how they are going to affect the Internet is a crucial part of my job.

Official Military Photo

Being Freaking Awesome Citizen Evangelism

I'm a big believer in being the change you want to see in the world.

I use a Linux desktop (Ubuntu) because I believe in the open-source movement. I joined the Navy because I believe in protecting the freedoms that we've had the privilege to grow up with in this county. I help people whenever I can because at one time or another, we all need help. We all need someone to care.

I admire people like Elon Musk who work everyday to advance mankind. Who give their everything to move the status quo forward.

Want to chat with me about an event? Project? The Awesome Mets? Find me on Twitter @FelicianoTech. Something more in depth? Send me a message.