My Blog Posts

How to Install Go on Linux or macOS

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The official Go (Golang) website provides downloadable binaries for Go as well as shell commands, but it's only partially helpful and doesn't offer any other options. Here are a few ways you can install Go on your machine. I wrote a similar post on how to do this for Raspberry Pi OS.

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I Began a Startup Blog called Struggle SaaS

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Dear reader, thank you. Reading this means you're one of the many who visit my website/tech blog each month. This blog gets more traffic than any other website or project I have. With that note, I wanted to share that I started a new blog last month. In March, I decided to pursue an idea in the in-person events space called Melitix. Often, when I start a project, I lose interest after a while and move on to something else. continue reading →

3 Ways to Rename a Go Module

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I maintain a Go module for importing Gravatar images. Last year I added support for GitHub profile images as well, so I renamed the project to gPic. I also created a fork of the static site generator Hugo called Gotham. I am now doing a rewrite of that project called Strawberry. I've had to rename the Go module in each of these cases. When using many import statements from a module in code, renaming can quickly become a tedious task. continue reading →

Daily Driving Ubuntu Asahi for Over a Month

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I recently got laid off and got 100% custody of my MacBook Pro. I'm not a fan of macOS, but I run it because Apple's systems are locked down. Not anymore. Asahi Linux has come a long way, spawning Fedora Asahi and, more recently, Ubuntu Asahi. Ubuntu has been my primary operating system for ~14 years, so the chance of running it natively on my MacBook Pro was appetizing. With full admin access to the laptop, I installed Ubuntu Asahi. continue reading →

Laid off and Pissed Off

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February 1st is my anniversary date at CircleCI. Instead of celebrating my 8th year at the company, I was laid off by CircleCI the day before, January 31st. I was a bit shaken. I wasn't sure how I felt. Was I sad? scared? relieved? I went in and out of all these emotions for the first few weeks. In mid-February, though, an emotion grew in the pit of my stomach that hasn't subsided. continue reading →

It's 2024, Happy New Year!

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I'm a bit late but Happy New Year Internet! 🎉 I'm looking forward to a great year. Unlike some, I'm still excited about a fresh year starting and what opportunities lie ahead. One thing I plan to change however, is how I go about sharing my dreams and goals. Instead of sharing them here and now, I am going to share more things as they happen. Changes in life, new projects, cancelled projects, etc. continue reading →

Adjusting LG UltraFine Brightness on Linux

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Not interested in my rambling and want to go straight to the solution? click here The year before Covid hit, what feels like a decade ago, I was setting up my little home office in New York. I sort of knew what I was getting for most of my computer gear but choosing a monitor was difficult. I'm not a fan of large monitors but I am a fan of high definition. continue reading →

GNOME Shell versions by Distro

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Looking into GNOME extension development I quickly became aware that they are dependant on GNOME Shell versions. While I can easily determine which version of GNOME Shell one of my computers is running, it becomes more work when I had to consider multiple Ubuntu versions as well as what others might be using. Since I couldn't find this information in one place, I decided to put together a table of some Linux distros, their recent releases, and which GNOME Shell version they are using. continue reading →

How to Install Go On Raspberry Pi OS

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Working on homelab tasks at home, I had the need to compile some Go (Golang) code on a Raspberry Pi. I've found varying advice online and some involved installing a bunch of extra tools. Instead, I decided to whip up a quick shell one-liner that installs Go directory from the official <> website for the Raspberry Pi. Please note, this is for the Raspberry Pi 4 running Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit. continue reading →

Celebrating Docs and Tech Writers

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Documentation teams and tech writers are underappreciated. Recently I've had the urge to share some docs pride out into the open.

After joining the team formally known as Docs at CircleCI, I learned of an internal team channel called #docs-r-us. I thought it was fairly silly and cute. And so, my “Docs R us” desktop wallpaper is born.

You'll find the preview in this post but you can download the full resolution 4K/16:9 version (for normal screens) and a 4K/16:10 version (for Macbook-like screens) from the links below.

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